

Lessons at Alison Dawn Voice & Music
Our youth program is based on the principles of Expression, Excellence and Engagement, to give students a well-rounded experience when it comes to music. We begin piano & violin lessons at age 4, singing lessons at age 6, and acting lessons at age 8. We primarily focus on building confidence and helping students to fall in love with music and theatre, then build their technical, musicianship and music literacy skills so they can reach any goals they set for themselves! We also want to make sure they’re engaging in not only their music and craft, but also their studio community, which is why our group sessions and concerts are so important. We want them to meet other creative kids, so they can feel how valued and cherished they are in our studio community, and gain confidence sharing their music with others in performance.
You can read more on our philosophy on teaching and music education here.
Lesson availability and scheduling varies, and we'd be happy to let you know what's available at the location of your choice. Please fill out the form linked below and we'll be in touch!
Our payment rates are based on your monthly membership to our studio, rather than a pay-by-the-lesson format. With your monthly payment, you’d get your weekly private lesson for 30, 45, 60 minutes, or twice weekly for 30 minutes, as well as three annual group performance classes, two family concerts and additional performance opportunities as they arise. It also includes ongoing support from your teacher and our studio, as well as weekly lesson notes to help your child remember what to practice. We’d love to tell you more about our special classes and concerts if you are interested in registering, as they are cornerstones of our program, and where we feel the students make the biggest leaps in confidence!
With all that in mind, our rates are $130/month for weekly 30 minute lessons, $170/month for weekly 45 minute lessons and $210/month for weekly 60 minute or twice weekly 30 minute lessons. There is also a once annual concert fee for each student, which is $50/year for piano students and $60/year for voice students. This cost will be prorated based on the number of performances remaining in the year at the time of registration, and is due with your first payment. We like to collect two months’ tuition up front, then every other month following, the tuition will be collected one month in advance. For example March tuition is due Feb 1, April tuition is due Mar 1, etc.
Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you’d like to register, you can fill out the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible!